Oral History
Transcript of Interview with Diana E. Murphy (Feb. 6, 2006; Feb. 28, 2006; Mar. 20, 2006; Apr. 11 , 2006; May 25, 2006; Aug. 8, 2006; Sept. 19, 2006; Nov. 1, 2006; Dec. 20, 2006; Apr. 25, 2007; June 26, 2007; July 3, 2007; Aug. 23, 2007; Apr. 25, 2008; June 23, 2008; Apr. 7, 2009; May 21, 2009; June 23, 2009; Feb. 18, 2010).
Interviewer: Lisa Montpetit Brabbit
Terms of Use
This oral history is part of the American Bar Association Women Trailblazers in the Law Project, a project initiated by the ABA Commission on Women in the Profession and sponsored by the ABA Senior Lawyers Division. This is a collaborative research project between the American Bar Association and the American Bar Foundation. Reprinted with permission from the American Bar Association. All rights reserved.
Please contact the Robert Crown Law Library at digitalprojects@law.stanford.edu with questions about the ABA Women Trailblazers Project. Questions regarding copyright use and permissions should be directed to the American Bar Association Office of General Counsel, 321 N Clark St., Chicago, IL 60654-7598; 312-988-5214.